Illinois Name-based Check (Name-based Inquiry)
Biometric Impressions Corp. is an authorized Illinois State Police fingerprint vendor that can process name-based checks or name-based inquiries for the public. An individual’s name, sex, race, and date of birth are used to search the digital criminal history files of the Illinois State Police. From there, search query results are available via the Criminal History Information Response Process (CHIRP). It’s quick and easy!
Please note: criminal offenders often use aliases and incorrect dates of birth. Therefore, name-based checks also determine if a more complete, Live Scan Fingerprint Check is necessary.
How can a Name-based Check be utilized?
- Personal Review
- Licensing
- Regulations regarding Nursing Home residents
- Housing or Rental applications
- Contractors (Household/office work)
- Pre-Employment
- Volunteer work
- Verifying if a Live Scan Fingerprint Background Check is required for more complete & accurate results
Name-based checks may be requested through our online store.
While we are unable to complete Name-Based checks through our office locations and Mobile Services, our corporate office can arrange to check multiple individuals at once.
Not sure which of our services suit your needs? We’re happy to hear from and help you “Find Out Why We’re the Best!”
Access and Review

Do you have an Illinois criminal record? Can’t find a job because of it? Want to challenge your Illinois criminal record and get something expunged? Well, BioMetric Impressions is the place for you. If you answered yes to any of these questions, we have recently started offering our services to individuals like yourself. Call us today and ask us about the Access and Review process! Our professional staff will be more than happy to help and walk you through step by step.
Illinois Concealed Carry Application
How to Apply for a Conceal Carry License
IL Resident Requirements
- Be at least 21 years old
- Have valid firearm owner’s ID (FOID) Card
a. Learn how to apply for a FOID Card here. - Not been convicted or found guilty of a misdemeanor or use a threat of physical force or violence to any person within 5 years.
- Not have two or more violations related to driving under the influence of alcohol, other drugs, intoxicating compounds within the past 5 years.
- Not subject to any pending arrest warrant, persecution, proceeding for an arrest.
- Not been in a residential or court-ordered treatment for alcoholism or drug treatment within the past 5 years.
- To speed up the process, schedule an appointment with us to get your live scan fingerprinting background check. Call us today!

Consulting Services
Consulting Services
BioMetric Impressions is a leader in the fingerprinting industry and we are here to help. Our experienced team has a host of talent from physical security consulting, navigating the process of the healthcare worker registry fingerprinting, Illinois Identified Offender Program, Adam Walsh Act and numerous other sectors of the security industry. If you feel that you have questions or your not sure where to turn, turn to BioMetric Impressions and don’t hesitate to contact us. We have a network of professionals and we are sure we can point you into the right direction.